Thursday, February 9, 2012

So This is Love

Every girl wants to be Cinderella, no?  As children we feel as if we are oppressed by life, rules, and parents and we want some beautiful prince to show up and sweep us away.  It is nonsensical, silly, and impossible.  And yet, we all yearn for a great love to save us from our troubles.

When I married B. I had very specific demands on the music that would accompany the wedding party, the bride, and the newly married couple down the aisle.  I know, it's hard to believe...we all know I'm the LEAST demanding person in the world (end sarcasm).  Now the story of how I managed to get that music played in not only a full Catholic wedding mass, but one in the abbey of monastery filled with Hungarian monks is a wonderful story, for another day.  Point is, when the groomsmen and bridesmaids walked down the aisle, they walked to my favorite love song:

This is the song I find myself humming in the happiest moments of my relationship with B.  Those quiet moments that usually fall on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.  Moments of contentment in love.

We are approaching St. Valentines Day, a day full of chocolates, flowers, candy hearts, overpriced cards and constant jewelry commercials.  A "Hallmark" holiday that skipping will cause more judgement than skipping Christmas.

I've been married to B. for a year and half.  We've lived together for over 4 years, and in a relationship for over 6 years.  He is not my prince - that title belongs to our youngest dog Lucky - but he is my Rhett.  And that's close enough for me.

One of my favorite movies is When Harry Met Sally.  Partially because the story is the most accurate portrayal of what falling in love is really like, in my opinion, and partially because of the fabulous segments showing people discussing how they met.  I shared this movie with a good friend, who made this video as part of her work assignment at the Dallas Morning News for the Valentines Day issue.

I must admit, I may have teared up a bit.  Which is amazing because I am the antithesis of a crier.  I only cry when I am incredibly frustrated, or intense pain )but that's really tied to being frustrated that I can't make it stop).  All other emotions just don't elicit that response from me, most of the time.  This video is one of the exceptions.  Without further ado i give you a creation of the beautiful and talented Rose:

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